New Era!
Welcome to my new blog and community! I truly appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to read through my blog. I decided in the middle of my busy season that it was time to make a change to my website provider and how I do things behind the scenes. My prior website service had been going down so much and then after finally calculating costs, it was costing me a ton each year! I was only looking at the yearly/monthly cost, but this particular service would take a percentage of my sales. Now, my new service does not take a percentage and just has a flat monthly rate. As far as my back office stuff, I was actually using 3 services! Now, I just use one. You think you are efficient until you finally have a chance to sit down and look at your process. I would recommend that everyone take the time to review their process and see what you can do to become more efficient within your own business.
With that said, I also decided to create a new community: That Photog Life - The Community. You can sign up here: https://thatphotoglife.joebakerphotography.com/. I am offering a free membership as well as paid memberships. I will be posting more in depth information as to how I create certain images, offer critiques of your images, monthly contests/giveaways and even 1 on 1 video critiques! Right now, you can get the first month free and will receive a 40% discount on any merchandise for your first order. I look forward to seeing you there!