Break is Over!

Every year, I take a month off to reset, recharge and relax from booking clients for my photography. Every year, I tell other photographers that they should do the same. I personally feel that it's super important to take a break from client work especially if you want to avoid burnout. We all started photography as a hobby and enjoyed creating for ourselves, but as soon as we make it a business, we tend to leave the creating for ourselves behind. I don't stop photography, I just don't book clients during that time. It's a great time to schedule practice shoots, or try a different type of photography genre. When you shoot for yourself, you get back into the creative part of photography and if you screw up, no one has to know. I do not feel the pressure to post or feel the pressure to get it done as soon as possible. This relief from time frames and schedules, really let's you sit back and enjoy the photography itself. Burnout comes from constantly trying to chase the almighty dollar, and not taking care of yourself mentally and physically. The best reason to take time off is to just clear and relax your mind and recharge or rest your body. Also, during that month off I tend to research other ways to improve my business needs or processes or research new editing and shooting techniques. You really don't have to do anything during that time, and it's totally up to you! Now, that I am back in the saddle, I am ready to go and looking forward to see what the future brings! Thanks to my buddy Willie for this shot!

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